Sunday, June 9, 2013

# 17 Atonement


Words are worth diamonds,
But pockets are lined with dimes. 
With a pristine light on an island, 
Melodies are made with wanderlust chimes.

A bird chirps in the distance,
Blending a secret with its song.
The trees aware of its existence,
Rustle their leaves to harmonize along. 

Mystic yet unconcealed, 
A paradox of all sorts.
The song is sung not to mislead, 
But to guide the audience to a throne of quartz.

For sand is the time gone by,
Still holding on to an exuberant history.
With the hum of a lullaby,
It tells the story of an eluded victory.

Emotions over intellect was the choice, 
Stallions of the imagination were set free
Wild and self-ruling, galloping with rejoice,
They reached the shores of the aquamarine sea. 

It's waters as clear as an unmarred heart.
It's sea bed filled with shells of fervor,
Like two lovers that were never meant to part, 
The waves merge with the angels of the preserver. 

The days turn cold in the heat of a burned out sun
Yet the wind carries a beauty so poignant, 
One's nethermost worries are shed, as if they were none,
Everything comes to be under the spell of atonement. 

No fight has ever ensued on this plane.
As an intricate intimacy prevails,
Further cemented by the elegant, gentle rain -
A protection of mother nature's own lush veil. 

The air is intoxicated with the fragrance of patchouli, 
Bringing in an alluring transient trance.
With a joy that touches mountains of epitome, 
Ecstasy embarks on an eternal dance. 

Dandelions of illumination release their passion for life, 
Delicately spreading tranquility with effervescence.
This is the victory with no potent strife, 
When one abandons all, but acceptance. 

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